宜「家」(IKEA Project,2015)
▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一个样板房因正在布置,被隔离带隔离,禁止顾客进入。

It seems to have become a common scene in the IKEA stores of Beijing to see people leisurely sleep in a sea of price tags. In the process of my shooting, it is not difficult to find this kind of scenes. While recording these pictures, I am trying to convey the comedy feeling of these scenes - people walk into a room surrounded by goods, and then start to conduct relatively private activities at ease. In an unfamiliar environment, people tend to maintain a state of alert. However, everyone here somehow finds a sense of security. Perhaps this sense of security is rightly the feeling IKEA wants to convey. But IKEA designers are not supposed to think at first that, there will be so many customers who can make use of this security sense to perfection.
▉ 2015年11月(左图),2015年8月(中图),2015年11月(右图),分别摄于北京宜家商场。我在为引用此项目的实体书排版时,试着将三张独立的图片拼合在一起,行程一道独特的风景线。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位老人在沙发类家具展示公共区域休息。

▉ 2015年8月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位年轻人在沙发类家具展示公共区域休息。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一个小朋友在家长的看护下于沙发类家具展示公共区域休息。

▉ 2015年12月(左图),2015年11月(右图),分别摄于北京宜家商场。我在为引用此项目的实体书排版时,试着将两张独立的图片拼合在一起,让耸立的家居样品如同垃圾场一般巍然伫立。

▉ 2015年12月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在沙发类家具展示区休息。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在沙发类家具展示区休息。

In addition to the price tags attached to the goods, the shopping cart is another iconic object of IKEA stores. Customers here hang out in the mall while pushing a shopping cart equipped with a yellow shopping bag, thinking about what kind of goods to buy. When people try to enter sample room and park the shopping cart outside the room, another picture full of sense of comedy will appear - on one side is a pure black separating wall of sample room and a shopping cart with a yellow shopping bag attached, one the other side are customers refining makeup, feeding the children to have a meal, or even sleeping at ease in the sample room. The meaning of the existence of a shopping cart here is somewhat similar to a boundary, splitting public space (shopping hall) and private space (sample room with a customer alone, or a bed occupied by a customer himself / herself). After I observe enough similar scenes, I come to realize that this is not accidental.
▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一辆宜家商场购物车被放在一个样板间的外面。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。顾客在公共区域样板间内的床铺上进食,门外停放着一辆商场购物车。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。顾客一家老少在公共区域样板间内休息,样板间外停放着他们的商场购物车。

▉ 2015年12月,摄于北京宜家商场。顾客在公共区域样板间内休息,床铺旁停放着他们的商场购物车。

▉ 2015年12月,摄于北京宜家商场。顾客在公共区域样板间内化妆,样板间外停放着顾客的商场购物车。

As a photographer and also as a person existing in the public space at the same time, my identity can be in another kind of existence form. When I try to shoot the characters in the IKEA stores, I hide in the picture, or even enter into the picture and exist in the space together with the characters in the picture, trying to emphasize the public space attribute of the environment.
Due to the relatively fixed setting of IKEA stores, I often go there ahead of schedule to find a special position suitable for shooting. Not only can I shoot the customer characters but also can I fit into the picture and then wait for the right shooting time.
▉ 2015年10月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在三层入口处的公共区域样板间内休息,我尝试让自己的剪影出现在样板间墙上的玻璃反光处,突出该场景的公共空间属性。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在样板间整理书包,我尝试让自己入画,打破画面的私人空间属性。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在样板间内卧床休息,我尝试让自己入画,打破画面的私人空间属性。

▉ 2015年10月,摄于北京宜家商场。顾客在样板间的婴儿床旁照顾婴儿,我尝试让自己通过一面反射了公共空间的镜子入画,强调公共空间与私人空间的连接性。

▉ 2015年11月,摄于北京宜家商场。一位顾客在公共区域样板间内休息,我尝试借助现场光线,让自己的影子进入画面,以闯入者的形式打破原有画面的私人空间属性。